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562 Epoxy Tile Grout

  • DESCRIPTION: NeoSeal® 562 Epoxy Tile Grout is hygienic, stain-resistant, three component high quality special pigmented quartz sand as filler with epoxy resin and hardener with a high degree of resistance to chemical attack, abrasion and impact. It is designed for grouting various tiles like ceramic, porcelain, vitrified, fully vitrified, glazed, mosaic, granites, marbles and other natural stones.

  • AREA OF APPLICATION: Walls and Floors Interior and Exterior Wet & Dry area Shower and Swimming pool Kitchen and Cafeteria Heavily Traffic Floor Hygienic Sterile Area Airport & Commercial area Water submerged area Food & Pharmaceutical Industries

  • NOTE:
    1. Care should be taken to avoid staining on unglazed tiles/stones, quarry textured surface etc. Check the potential risk of staining by applying the grout on a small trial area.
    2. If working in a food processing / preparation / storage area, keep tiles/mosaics dry; Do not use the floor until the Epoxy Grout is hard/cured. Avoid contact between food/water and tiling for at least 7 days after grouting.

  • AVAILABLE SHADES: Available in wide range of 40 attractive Shades.

  • COVERAGE: Square Feet per Kg.

  • Tile size
    Tile Thickness
    Grouting Width (mm)
    2 mm 3 mm 5 mm
    300 x 300 6 97.8 60.9 37.1
    450 x 300 6 119.5 72.9 44.3
    600 x 300 6 120.9 81.5 49.1
    600 x 600 8 136.2 91.2 54.9
    1000 x 1000 10 179.9 120.2 72.45
Filler Available Color:
  • White, Ivory, Dark Brown, Red, Dark Gray, Light Gray, Blue & Black Part A + Part B + Filler (Resin + Hardener + Filler)

  • 12 months from the date of manufacturing when in sealed pack and stored under proper condition. Store in a cool & dry place between 5⁰ C to 40⁰ C in closed condition and away from direct sunlight.

Packaging Detail


Size Units per case Units per Master
300 g (A+B) 6 6
1.5 kg (A+B) 4 4
700 g Filler 20 20